Reviews & Testimonials

“The fact that you are holding this book means you have, or will soon experience, a significant awakening to the voice of Source within you. How you respond to the calling depends entirely on you, but Franco shows us how the way can be made easier. His intimate sharing of a lifelong search for answers to his spiritual revelations offers a roadmap. If you are ready to be challenged, this book can serve as an effective operator’s manual as you find your truth within this game you call life.”

Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D.
CEO Scheele Learning Systems
Author of “Natural Brilliance” & “Drop Into Genius” and developer of the JoySpring app

“The world has plenty of seers. It has fewer people who can hear. Rare is the person who is both a visionary and a ‘listenary.’ Franco is one of these special individuals. Read this book and you shall see and hear in ways you could never have imagined!”

Jack Uldrich
Internationally-known Global Futurist & Speaker
Author of “Higher Unlearning” & “Unlearning 101”